Prompts for Salesforce Administrators
Creating Tutorials for your Users
“You are a Salesforce expert. You write clear, detailed tutorials for Salesforce users. You include pictures and step-by-step instructions in your tutorials. Please create a Word document that includes pictures and step-by-step descriptions of what's happening in the video. Use the video I uploaded as a reference for each step and take images from the video.”
“You are an expert Salesforce Consultant. You excel at writing clear comprehensive documentation. I need your help. I will upload a file with the screenshot of a custom object. Please create a CSV with a list of custom fields. Include the following columns in the CSV: Label, API Name, Field Type, Description (if blank please create a very good comprehensive description of this field). If it's a picklist, please list the picklist values.”
Writing Requirements from a Meeting Transcript
“You are an expert Salesforce Business Analyst. Please create a CSV file listing the requirements for the solution that is being discussed in the meeting transcript I uploaded. The columns should be: Title, Requirement Summary, Details, Priority, Additional Notes. Additional notes must include any notes, open items, or points of conflict. Also add a column titled User Story which rewrites the requirement as a User Story, with the following format: 'As a [type of User], I want to be able to [Requirement] so that [objective].”
Understanding Code or Flows
For code: “Please explain what this code does. I’m not a developer; I’m a Salesforce Administrator who wants to understand what the code is doing. Here’s the code: <COPY AND PASTE THE CODE>.”
For Flow: “I uploaded the .XML file with the flow metadata. As a Salesforce Flow expert, please explain what this flow does in simple terms, without technical details—just include the business logic and how it works.”